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Cyclo-biblio is a nonprofit association under the French 1901 law.
It is managed by an Executive Board within an Administrative Committee. For the purposes of organizing each tour, a larger organizing team is assembled at the beginning of preparations for the upcoming tour.
We are pleased to introduce the organizers of the 2025 tour:
Betty Lecorre
Administrative Manager at the University Library and Archives of Angers
Responsibility at Cyclo-biblio: President
"I am a geographer by training. I landed in the library world in 2008 after passing an administrative exam. And no, I am not a librarian by training, but rather by adoption. I am fortunate to work at the University Library of Angers, which I have never left.
I am passionate about my job and love serving our students by providing the conditions and environment they need for optimal studying. It’s a constantly evolving field, and every year, we work with our teams to adapt as best we can to the practices and needs of younger generations.
It’s thanks to my director that I discovered Cyclo-biblio. She encouraged me to join the Léman tour in 2017 to observe the logistics of organizing such an event. As fate would have it, I ended up joining the organizing team for the Angelle tour in 2018, and I haven’t looked back since. It was also thanks to the Léman tour that I got back on a bike after 20 years! Now, I cycle-commute regularly.
Cyclo-biblio, for me, is a way to connect with others—professionals or otherwise—and share: sharing our practices, our spaces, our passions, and learning from others.
It’s an incredibly enriching experience that teaches me a lot about myself (the somewhat sporty nature of each tour pushes us to our limits) and about others. I am always impressed by the diversity of our geographical origins, and these exchanges are always profoundly rewarding.
In short, I am a Cyclo-biblio enthusiast! For me, it’s the best way to combine a passion for cycling with a love for libraries while enjoying the beautiful landscapes of our regions!"
Sophie Rivière
Library Assistant at Lumen, the Learning Center of the University of Paris-Saclay (Essonne)
Responsibility at Cyclo-biblio: Secretary
"I discovered Cyclo-biblio in 2022 while studying for competitive exams, back when I was still a student assistant. A few months later, Betty suggested I help with the logistics for LorLux by driving the truck that accompanied the tour. Even though I didn’t experience the cycling side of things during that first edition, I loved taking part in the workshops, visiting incredible libraries, and engaging in advocacy. I was deeply impressed by the enthusiasm and energy of the organizing team.
More than just a cycling tour, Cyclo-biblio is a true human and professional adventure. Talking with librarians with such diverse experiences was a real source of inspiration. I set myself the goal of participating in a tour once I passed my exam, and so I joined the Cycl’hôna in 2024. After that, I felt motivated to get more involved and support the organizing team in preparing for the tour. Cyclo-biblio gave me an excellent reason to get back on my bike and proved to be a meaningful personal challenge!"
Marianne Voldoire
Correspondent with authorities and collections manager at the Sainte Barbe Library (Paris)
Responsibility at Cyclo-biblio: Assistant Secretary
"Freshly hatched cycling librarian. After discovering the association and the incredible energy of the team during Cycl’hona 2024, I was eager to get involved and contribute, so that this important event in support of libraries can continue.
I never would have believed it was possible to discover so many institutions, librarians, and landscapes in just one week with nothing but a bicycle. I also think it’s a unique opportunity to broaden one’s professional perspective, bringing us all together through memorable experiences. It is therefore with great joy that I contribute my little part to this wonderful endeavor!"
Jean-Michel Audrain
Head of Music, Cinema, and Digital Services at the Raymond Queneau Media Library in Juvisy-sur-Orge (Essonne, Grand-Orly Seine Bièvre network)
Responsibility at Cyclo-biblio: Treasurer
"The first time I heard about Cyclo-biblio was during its 4th edition, the Léman tour in 2017. From that moment on, I knew I absolutely had to take part in one! It became possible during the LorLux in 2022. That’s when I discovered this incredible traveling training program, rich with encounters with colleagues from all nationalities, library visits, discussions about the profession, and advocacy with the people we met along the way. Now I can’t get enough of it: I participated in La Flandrienne in 2023 and Cycl’hôna in 2024!
Being a lifelong bike commuter, it’s such a joy to combine work/training with the pleasure of traveling by bike, while learning from the experiences and career paths of fellow cycling librarians. Starting out as a simple participant in 2022, I quickly took to heart the task of helping the organizing team manage traffic during my first tour. I became even more involved in the two following editions, working alongside other route captains to guide the group of 50 librarians in 2024 using GPX routes created by colleagues who scouted the path. A truly indispensable training experience!"
Aurélie Dréan
Head of the Fréhel Media Library (Côtes d'Armor)
Responsibility at Cyclo-biblio: Communication
"I first discovered Cyclo-biblio during my Master’s year at Enssib in 2018. As I was researching advocacy for my thesis, I decided to give it a try with the Angelle tour... At the time, I never rode a bike! While the adventure proved physically and mentally challenging, I was won over by the team spirit of the cycling librarians and the library visits.
Since then, I’ve discovered a passion for bike touring! In 2022, I participated in my second edition, and in 2023, I joined the organizing team. My role focuses particularly on communication, especially live updates on social media. Who would have thought that the youngest member struggling at the back of the group would now be the one motivating the team, catching up with the peloton, and filming all at the same time?"
Jehanne Ducros Delaigue
Head of the Heritage Department at the Municipal Library of Mulhouse
Responsibility at Cyclo-biblio: Communication
"My first Cyclo-biblio was the LĂ©man tour in 2017. With 70 participants, I felt a bit lost among this crowd of ultra-motivated librarians, but I was also struck by the high-energy atmosphere around the clock, the breathtaking landscapes we passed through, and the splendor of the libraries we visited.
Seven years later, I’m now on my 4.5th Cyclo-biblio! I joined the Administrative Committee in 2022 and have been focusing mainly on communication. The real rush typically comes toward the end of tour preparations, with participant profiles, press contacts... and during the summer holidays, editing the tour video.
In 2023, I also discovered the thrill of being a route captain and zipping through the peloton at full speed. Thrilling!"